All About Dental Crown Types

Tooth Crowns

No one likes finding out they need a crown on their tooth, but crowns are nothing to be afraid of. In fact, crowns can even be a good thing. Think of them as a deluxe filling, if you will: well made, secure and luxurious. But the type of crown you need is another story – and the answer depends on several different factors. Crowns are typically used when the area of the tooth that needs a filling is too big. The dentist makes a cap that fits over the tooth while leaving the main structure of the tooth intact. The crown looks and feels like a natural tooth and keeps away the decay from the base of the tooth. There are several different types of crowns to choose from. Here are the types and what they’re best used for.

Porcelain Crowns

If you need a crown on one of your front teeth, your dentist will likely choose a porcelain crown. Porcelain crowns, much like resin fillings, look natural and blend in with the rest of the teeth. They are also durable enough for the front of the mouth.

Gold Crowns

Gold crowns sound regal, don’t they? But instead of sitting on top of your head, a gold dental crown sits over your tooth. Considered among the most durable types of crowns, gold crowns can’t break or fracture or even damage the underlying tooth.

Metal Crowns

Much like gold crowns, metal crowns are extremely strong but still gentle to the teeth. They also can be fitted to the tooth with a very small amount of natural tooth needing to be removed.

Porcelain / Metal Fusion Crowns

A crown made of porcelain that is secured to a metal underpinning is a durable option commonly used for back teeth. Think of them as the Le Crueset of fillings – offering the beauty of porcelain with the durability of metal. Though Dr. George will determine which crown type is best for your individual tooth, it helps to know why one crown may be selected over another. For any further questions regarding your crowns or any other dental procedure, please call Dr. George’s office at 724-220-2347.

Dr. Alexandra S. George

Medically reviewed by Dr. Alexandra S. George - D.D.S., L.Vl.I.F. on March 5th, 2019