Get the Whitest Smile Ever

Woman smiling with shopping bag

​Do your teeth look dull and discolored, or darker than you want them to? Are you embarrassed to smile in pictures or even when talking to strangers, family and friends because of the color or condition of your teeth? With the holiday season upon us, now is the perfect time to get that smile back in shape. But don’t feel overwhelmed – here are some stress-free options for getting your teeth to look the way you want them to before the first guest arrives at your door.

Blue Tones

The easiest and most affordable way to make your teeth look whiter is by wearing a blue shirt or red shirt with blue undertones in it, because the white in your teeth will be accentuated by the blue. At the same time, any yellow or orange in your shirt will pick up the yellow in your teeth, so avoid those. The same idea applies to lipstick, too, so be sure to avoid reds and oranges with yellow undertones and stick to the “cool” blue family of reds.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste is an affordable way to whiten teeth – after all, you always need toothpaste, why not making it whitening, right? But whitening pastes contain such small amounts of active ingredients, they don’t as much whiten as they do remove surface stains accumulated since your last brushing. Still, your teeth will look whiter, and that’s never a bad thing!

White Strips

Not all white strips are created equal. The strips you can get from your dentist are far superior to the kind you can get in the toothpaste aisle, but the ones from the toothpaste aisle are better than the ones you’ll find at the dollar store. Yes, the dollar store sells white strips, and we recommend you avoid them (since we don’t know why they’re on closeout in the first place). White strips are safe for at-home use, but they take time to work and must be used continuously to see results, which can get expensive over time.

Laser Whitening

Laser whitening is done in your dentist’s office with a whitening gel and “laser” light that activates the gel. Most laser treatments can be done in under 90 minutes, usually with breaks along the way. Results can be dramatic – but they’re only as permanent as you let them be. If you go back to smoking, drinking coffee or not properly brushing, they can re-stain.


Veneers are the Cadillac of teeth whitening. A thin porcelain strip is custom fitted and permanently adhered to your teeth. Veneers don’t just make your teeth whiter – they can change the shape and, to some extent, the size of your teeth, improving the overall look of your smile. Best of all, veneers can’t stain, so the white you get when you get veneers lasts as long as the veneers do. The only exception is smoking, so we recommend you quit smoking before investing in veneers. Your money will go further, and your health will improve – now that’s a great deal.

If you have any questions or concerns about the look of your smile, please contact Dr. George’s office at 724-220-2347.

Dr. Alexandra S. George

Medically reviewed by Dr. Alexandra S. George - D.D.S., L.Vl.I.F. on November 11th, 2019