Our Blog - Page 25

Showing 241–250 of 289 articles
Young boy holding dental floss

February Is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

Last modified: April 10th, 2021

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s still a very important one – and it has nothing to do with candy hearts and roses! February is...

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New Study Reveals Connection Between Hyperparathyroidism, Bone Loss

Last modified: August 5th, 2020

Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a condition caused by the overactivity of the parathyroid glands, the four small glands that surround the thyroid. Located in the neck, the parathyroid glands produce parathyroid...

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Avoid These Common Oral Health Blunders Many New Parents Make

Last modified: August 5th, 2020

Caring for a new baby can be a wonderful but overwhelming experience – especially if your parenting relies more on wisdom than scientific fact. While our mothers and grandmothers may...

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Diabetes and Oral Health

Last modified: August 5th, 2020

In the United States, an estimated 27 million people have the metabolic disorder known as Type 2 diabetes, and another 86 million are considered pre-diabetic. Type 2 diabetes causes high...

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Discussing Oral Health Puts a Positive Spin on Weight Management

Last modified: August 5th, 2020

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 17 percent of American children are considered obese, a number that has more than tripled since the 1970s. In fact, not...

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Smokeless Tobacco Not as Safe as It Seems

Last modified: August 5th, 2020

According to a recent article in News Medical Life Sciences, researchers in The Republic of the Union of Myanmar have discovered that every patient currently undergoing treatment for oral cancer...

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Winter Oral Health Care Tips

Last modified: August 5th, 2020

It’s that time of year again: The snow tires go back on the car, the snow boots come out of storage, and the snow shovel returns to its spot beside...

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Holiday Dental Tips Worth Smiling About

Last modified: January 14th, 2022

With temperatures starting to drop and holiday invitations popping up on calendars, it’s safe to say the holiday season is upon us once again. But along with the bright lights...

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Got a TMD? It Could Be Making Migraines Worse

Last modified: April 11th, 2024

An estimated 29.5 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches each year. A migraine is categorized as a headache that produces an intense, throbbing pain in one or both sides of...

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The Lengths People Go to for Whiter Teeth

Last modified: August 5th, 2020

Many of us strive for whiter teeth. In fact, in the United States, we spend an estimated $1.4 billion a year on the pursuit of a brighter smile, with the...

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