Restore your smile today!
Don’t worry… Losing a tooth; having decayed, damaged, or stained teeth; and having a crossbite, underbite or overbite can cause many people to feel self-conscious about their smile. Many of these individuals turn to our cosmetic dentistry services to restore their smiles!
Did you know?
70% of American adults are missing a tooth. Tooth loss is common and happens as a result of aging, injury, poor oral hygiene, chronic health conditions and genetic health factors that impact the teeth.
Your Treatment Plan…
Depending on the severity or complexity of your dental problems, treatments may include dental crowns and bridges, porcelain veneers, Growth Guided Appliances and controlled arch orthodontics to restore your smile. Controlled arch orthodontics is an alternative to traditional orthodontics. Instead of working to straighten the teeth in a potentially narrow space, our approach first addresses upper jaw development problems and tooth spacing issues and then moves the teeth to give you the smile you desire.